
Lovely, Raspberry
Aaron Belz

Aaron Belz is the funniest poet in America. Or he’s not funny at all. He might be deadly serious. But whether he’s sincerely humorous or humorously sincere, his poems strike a chord that nobody else’s do. Regardless of whether they tickle funny bones or bang them into cabinet doors, the courtly poems in Lovely, Raspberry leave readers in stitches (or in need of them). They are disconcerting treats from one of the unique brains of American verse. 

“Aaron Belz’s poetry reminds us that poetry should be bright, friendly, surprising, and totally committed to everything but itself.”
—John Ashbery

“Reading Belz is like watching an intimate comic performance; it's stand-up poetry meant for you alone.”
—Chris Martin

Aaron Belz is also the author of The Bird Hoverer and Glitter Bomb.

Paperback / $15.00 (Can. $16.50) / 978-0-89255-359-4 / 96 pages / Poetry

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